Orange Days

- The introduction on the show: This is a show describing undergrads in their final year. (Hey, that's me!)
- The main female character is hearing-impaired and uses sign language. Another coincidence! I'm interested in sign language. So here's a chance to learn Jap sign language other than SEE.
- This character is also a musician. Plays the violin. And I love violin music, yeah Vivaldi, Bach. (2nd to piano)
- One character was from the previous show I watched.

She is sensible (most of the time), provided she did not overlook the fact that she has to trust other people.
I find that she has a very interesting and joyful personality. Attractive in its own way.
I'm always going "what the..." in my head when I saw the stuffs she did. Really. It's funny how easy-going she is and yet nerve-wrecking at the same time.

What to say about this guy...erm Handsome. This fellow pursues his dream job and of course his dream girl. Encouraging and Standing by her.
I guess in the end the show focus more on their relationship rather than Final year Uni life. But the way the plot develops, it was really smooth, from encounter, assigned to help her, blunders/ hic-cups...falling in love...(no spoilers intended). It feels like I'm watching an extended movie.
I would say the whole cast makes a tremendous effort in learning sign language and I learnt quite a fair bit too, the Jap style. :-) Cool rite?
Plus another cool stuff was the female character was also a genius in piano. Wow, can you believe it, I got to listen to 2 of my favorite instruments in one show!
A surprise discovery I had was this show was actually written by Kitagawa Eriko. The same writer who wrote some of my other favorites: Long Vacation & Beautiful Life.

Tabloids: The lead actor and actress got together in real life after the show (still together now) And this also means that the guy ditched his girlfriend (Yuka) and she ditched her boyfriend (Issa from Da Pump). Well all these are just gossips and rumors. I'm not sure what exactly happen. :P

Labels: Drama
At 11:17 PM,
Enchanted One said…
Kaoz ! Yes ! You deserved to be knocked on the head really ! To be honest I was not really into Long Vac & Beautiful Life. I prefer GTO !
Is it ! I love Da Pump ! Their music has a unique flavour.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Another knock from me!
So is this why you have been staying up late, watching rather than studying? Hmmmmm ...
At 11:03 PM,
whyzoner said…
ya partly I stayed up to watched dorama. Erm... I'm also working in the night too.
Think my head swelling from all the knock. Who's paying my medical bills?
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey do you know the name of the violin song sae played in the 1st episode? i really like it
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