Sarabande - In Unison

Beautiful as the Melody, Paced out as Choreographed, Synchronized to the Beat... Fast or Slow, it's in Unison

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Take That

I saw a post on Take That on my friend's blog and it certainly brought me down memory lane.

It was about 10 years ago when my friends and I were watching thier videos and learning their dance steps for dance performances at campfire and farewell party. It was fun and tiring, yea, if u guys can still remember. Days and nights listening to the same song till we got dread of it. Laughing about how stupid we will be if we followed all those idols' dance steps. Having muscle ache and cramps. 3 Cheers for those, bros!

Certainly, I still love their songs up till today. Great love songs to hear.

And the following song to commerate our long standing friendship.

Save the best for the last. My favorite of the favorites - Babe. It tells a story.



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