Sarabande - In Unison

Beautiful as the Melody, Paced out as Choreographed, Synchronized to the Beat... Fast or Slow, it's in Unison

Monday, June 26, 2006


I was going through my old playlists today when I saw the Grasshoppers playlist. Listening to it again just brighten up the day.

Some of my favourite 草蜢 songs:

爱得小心 (with 刘小慧)

(男) 朋友都说难得很 陪著某人过一生
要甚么幸运 方可使一对恋人
一生都不变心 厮守到终生

(女)谁信恋爱靠苍天牵引 难道我们还天真
要是不落力 当天怎么变恋人
他朝怎跟某君 散步黄昏

(合)一个不小心 相识相爱也都可相分
因此跟你每天都要发奋 别忘掉教训
爱得小心 一双一对也许非天生
一生一世也许需要智慧 为来日设计

(女)要是想投降 (男)想想怎恋上这人
(女)即使不可再忍 (男)继续容忍

(合)一个不小心 相识相爱也都可相分
因此跟你每天都要发奋 别忘掉教训
爱得小心 一双一对也许非天生
一生一世也许需要智慧 为来日设计

(男)爱得小心 ye! (女)爱到线穿针一样细心
(男)甜蜜心事细像尘 (女)定时让你动心







































冷静冷冰冷漠里 再没法追寻 当天的女子
没竭止 Lonely


但每是失意 无论你愿早或迟

每日每刻盼望你 有没有可能 即刻解我痴

愿献尽心意 无论你愿早或迟
若有可能 请给我知

Repeat *


Friday, June 23, 2006

Bhaiboon's Farewell Dinner

It's going to be at least 5 months before we can see this warm smiling guy again. I'm all curious already to know how he will turn out after 5 months. Gonna hear his stories when he is back in town ie if he decides to come back.

This is one of the most amiable guy I ever met and a person with strong focus and optimism. (Some of his best traits that I wanna model after)

All the best to you, PB.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jordan - Umm Qais

This place is up north of Jordan, near to Israel and Syria. I reached here in the evening, just in time to catch the sunset in this anicent city. And we are in luck as the sky is very clear.

And there is still enough light for me to catch a glimpse of Golan Heights and Sea of Galilee. =)

And with the sun lowering behind the mountains, the city bathed in its golden rays.


Jordan - Pella

This is a place rarely touched by tourists. Free to walk around and take a good look at the plains and hills. This is my 1st trekking in Jordan.

The first interesting encounter here is the shepherd leading the goats home. There would be this goat with a bell tied around its neck, with the bell ringing away and this goat will stay at the end of the herd. I think this goat sort of chase the rest to move forward.

So it occurs that there must be farmers who live nearby. Indeed, we spot a family!

So, we paid a visit. Many children around and all of them looks so adorable. Gave them sweets, haha, a fast and easy way to make friends with children.

And if I remember correctly, the lady with the white scarf overhead is one pretty lady with rosy cheeks. Too bad, they can't take pictures.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Angela Aki

Yes, is about her again. You know, I just can't help it, and have to take a look again at how she plays the piano. I was laughing a bit when I saw her doing her usual playing style, but no form of insult to her or anything like that, just find it very interesting that she is so into her music.

But this is really a beautiful song. Beautiful voice and melody. And of course, the "suave player".

This Love

And it is the ending song of the popular anime "Blood+" too. Of course, this song deserves such attention.








You don’t have to fear this love,this love



English Translation

“If there is love, there is peace”

Someone had said that

One may agree with it, or one may doubt it

Whenever I was suffering

It was during that time I would embrace you

It was in the gentleness of those arms

That I felt peace

Ever since that time when I stopped talking to you, I closed up my heart

This love became torn apart

This time I won’t let go of

Our joined hands

The power of trust

Will set love free

When your friendship helped me

I imagined our future together

I can see our happiness but

I can’t see the things concerning myself

Although we said our promises would be our compass

We lost sight of the direction of this love

Instead of waiting for a miracle

I want you to hold my hand

The power of trust

Will set me free

You don’t have to fear this love

You don’t have to fear this love, this love

This time I won’t let go of

Our joined hands

The power of trust

Will set love free

Instead of waiting for a miracle
I want you to hold my hand
The power of trust
Will set me free

p.s. translation from


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

You can do this too

Creativity. Chemistry. I think this is ingenious.
Musical fountain at your doorstep, effective party splash-around gadget, getting rid of your junk food... wide range of applications. Just cool. Watch it.

Now, please be reminded not to take too much Mentos and diet coke (or any carbonated drink) at the same time. Seriously. The gas need a release somewhere.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Jerash - Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis

Temples of the Romans and Greeks are usually built on high grounds as they believed that would bring them closer to the Gods and Gods can hear them better.

Columns and pillars of temples are especially significant as they represent the communication tool that channelled the voices of the people on the ground to their Gods in the sky.

As I stand on the last flight of stairs, all I can see is the top of the columns of the Temple of Artemis. As one walked further up, as in the old days, people would say their prayers/wishes and raised their hands up towards the sky as if they are pillars of the Temple connecting from the ground to the sky, hoping that their words can reach the ears of the Gods.

Some other beautiful structures in Jerash.

The South Theatre
See the guy in blue right in the centre. That is the position where you can speak and your voice will be amplified throughout the whole theatre. This is a characteristic of all Roman theatres.

Oval Plaza

Temple of Zeus

This is the water point for people travelling along the cargo path in Jerash. So typical of Romans, to build fountains at their water source.


In his/her shoes

One thing I learnt about listening and understanding another person is to put myself into his or her shoes and think from his/her perceptive angle(s).

However, at the same time, this style of listening has also failed me many a times for one simple reason - I'm still not the other person. Tried as I might, it is not always possible to be in sync and truly figure out the thought and decision process of another complex human mind. (when is the last time you figure out your own process totally? :p)

And usually I find that a lot of information, however, can get filled in as a conversation goes along and as more rapport is established. And then, there is the re-confirmation, questioning and answering, clarification process to make sure the pictures in both parties are as close to one another as possible.

Ok, the above are just some side talk. The main point I would like to share here about putting yourself in someone else's shoes is this: Remember that a problem/issue of that someone else, no matter how big or small it seems to you, is still a problem/ issue to him/her.

We must not forget that each one of us has different capacity to handle problems and issues. As much as I am not the other person, the other person is also not me. His/her problem might seem so small and trivial in your eyes, but to him/her, it could be the end of world. You may have the confidence, capabilities and all the shit to settle HIS/HER problems, but not him/her.

A swimming coach has no issues in swimming 20 laps in the pool, but to a beginner, he may not even know how to breathe properly underwater. So, do what a swimming coach will do. Understand that a beginner needs to learn how to swim and so a coach will show him and get him to practise the skills.
One point to note when helping another person to sort things out, is not to belittle the problem. Respect it and guide the person towards the resolution.

Of course, do not do the opposite and start magnifying the problem thinking that you are showing that you understand the severity of the problem. I can't imagine how stress up I could get if my problem suddenly gets twice as difficult to handle.

I guess it boils down to respecting each individual, know that the map is not the territory and showing empathy and guidance the way the other person wanted it to be shown. Yup, read the Empathy Before Solutions Series on the treasure trove, Life Coaches Blog. You will get to acquire more specific and detailed pointers on communication and some of the stuffs which were just briefly mentioned above.


Super "Kambing" soup

"Kambing soup" is definitely common here. And I would say I quite love it especially when the weather is cold.

I had a special "Kambing soup" which I called the Super Kambing Soup at Amman on my last night there. Imagine the usual taste of your kambing soup (a little bit spicy and sour) and intensify that taste by 3 times. That's what I had at the restaurant in Amman. The taste, wow, marvelous. Exploding flavors in the mouth, come on, it's 3 times more 'powerful' than all the kambing soup you ever tasted here.

Later only I found out that yogurt was added. Frankly speaking, I got sick of the dish after more mouthfuls. The taste is just too strong and the soup is too thick, but the initial tasting is damn shiok.


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Travel Ramblings

Travelling free and easy on a few weeks trip to a strange land sure made me understand myself better. Queer behaviors I displayed sometimes and I was functioning on a different mentality.

Upon returning, I think my brain somehow functions a bit differently too. Well, it could be I have hell too much fun that I did not exercise my brain enough. Interestingly, I find that I increased my span of lateral thinking... ...unconsciously. Now, I began to look at things from angles that were previously blinded to me. (actually thanks to you, Alvin, that night when you mentioned about exercising different muscle groups can stimulate perceptual thinking that I discovered, hey boy, yah this is happening to me after my trip.)

On top of that, it changed part of my core I call my Values as well as I learn where is my source to summon more courage to face who I really am as a person. A positive trait of behavior which used to work can turn against me.

Constant reflections about "My Life and my role in this world" along the journey brought me through a series of broad picture (marco) views and mirco views of how I could live this life. I fell in love with the freedom of exploring and excitement of discovering new places. I begin to enjoy so much freedom in travelling and I realised it has all to do with "few commitments" and "few worries" (or maybe it's not time to worry yet). I can be relax and thanks to all people who let me be free.

Contrary, when I recieved messages from friends, it feels great to be remembered. (You all know who you are, I appreciate them very much, arigato) Think I need acceptance or a position somewhere. It made me think that I'm selfish (I know someone dun like me to use this word on myself) at times just thinking too much about receiving and all I care is about going further and further and to venture to seemingly more "dangerous" places.

I loved the high mountains, gorges, underwater world and especially the desert. I met this German lady working in Egypt. She too love the desert - it's simplicity, peacefulness and quietness made her adore the desert, allows her to have a clear mind. I love the desert because of it's spanless stretch, calmness and the little, little lives that sprung from it. It made me understand how paradoxically insignificant and significant I can be at the same time. I'm inspired to visit Sahara, the world's largest desert.

My dream is still Mount Kilimanjaro, then on to see the nearby Lake Victoria. Maybe I won't have my chance to reach it's summit now but it seems like Africa is the "treasure land" I'm looking for.

On a lighter note, one thing about this trip that I can't keep my mind off is the young pretty ladies in Jordan and Israel. Jordan ladies have those bright sparkling eyes which I seldom find here. *Agony*
My conclusion is that 50% of the young Jordanian ladies have pretty faces. Don't believe, check it out yourself when the chance arrives!
So well, this trip changes and clarifies what I look out for in a life partner too. So Kloudiia, remind me to tell you my new considerations. :)


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


By the time I reached Amman, it was already evening around 5pm, Jordan Time. All thanks to the 4 hours delay at Bahrain Aiport.

Being the Capital of Jordan, sure it is bustling with activities. Check in at a hotel and start looking around the neighbourhood for our dinner. Really wonder wat does these Jordanians have for their meals?

Reading the maps in the guidebook, poking our heads into alleys, walking up and down the streets, we found this little stall residing inside one of the streets.

And yes we had our 1st dinner here.
This is call Falafel (fee-la-fey). It is the most common snack in Jordan or maybe even Middle East countries. Cheapest also. It's like a Taro roll stuffed with french fries, tomatoes, cucumbers and deep-fried chick-peas balls and sprinkled with salt. It's taste ok, but after a few of it, I got quite sick of it too.

Then there's some other staple food like Fuul and Hummus. Fuul are just some boiled beans in olive oil while hummus is this cold bean paste with olive oil too. Both are ate with their bread - khubez. These are the simple Jordanian fare.


Travel Log - The Destination

Ok I need to get from Athens to Italy and then to Paris in 1 month time. (Haha this is not Amazing Race.)

"Oh man, sucks! There is no affordable and fast way to get from Greece to Italy" I was thinking to myself 3 days before I flew off from Singapore.
A ferry trip from Greece to Venice is the cheapest way but it takes , OMG, 20+ hrs. Not a very feasible way, I think.
Next option, budget air -- well no direct connections from Greece to Italy. And tickets are really expensive at such last minute.

This is it. All plans screwed!!
So next better option is to go for a shorter trip to Jordan, since my friend is so frantic about it.
"Hmm, Middle East... " I love to travel and see the World but it never cross my mind to visit Middle East countries.

So, we changed the bookings to Jordan, when to the library that night and grab some travel guides for Jordan, Israel and Egypt.
"Let's plan as we go along!" Yeah man, And we are set.

Morning Flight out of Singapore on 11 May 2006, 525am.
